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Visual Art Collections

These collections delve into trial and error as I experiment both with artistic mediums and themes. These range from chalk pastel illustrations exploring fears in a humorous and satirical light; as well as oil paintings featuring moments of surrealism and further introspection.

Visual Art Collections

These collections delve into trial and error as I experiment both with artistic mediums and themes. These range from chalk pastel illustrations exploring fears in a humorous and satirical light; as well as oil paintings featuring moments of surrealism and further introspection.


APRIL 2017

The Death and Desserts collection is inspired by the Vanitas paintings made popular during the 16th and 17th centuries in the Netherlands, blending the concept of mortality's fleeting pleasures with the remembrance of death's inevitability. While this is a rather gruesome theme in itself, I have always worked to instill humor and a light-hearted perspective on the macabre. Death is an unavoidable occurrence, but why remain in sorrow over the single event when you can choose to celebrate the life that was and all the memories that made it so sweet? That is what my series is about: A celebration, a reminder to live life to the fullest. Life is too short, so eat dessert first!

Death By Chocolate Small.png



Though no apparent theme runs through this collection of oil paintings, each is a personal reminder and form of documentation regarding stages of life and the emotions that course through the human body on a regular basis. From the happier, vibrant times of inane silliness to the grim, somber experiences of pain and the binding strings of a heart. This all culminates to my views of the human condition in a final large painting. We think with our minds, but we are ruled by our hearts: bound forever to dance on the strings of that sentimental puppet master that provides us with life as we bow forever to its whims.

'The Heartstrings that Bind-Mortal Coil', Oil Paint on Canvas.jpg


FALL 2015

Fear the familiar! Fear the everyday! Fear the normal! Fear the ordinary! Do you fear? Splendid! The images seen here are an escape down the proverbial rabbit hole away from the daily torture that is the mundane into the maddening world of the imagination. Two contrasting elements coexist in a fantasy realm of horror and humor. I want our fears to be made laughable and what better place to start than by conquering the fears and nightmare figures that have plagued our childhood years? Fear is a part of life, be it clowns, horror movie icons, zombies, or even...I shudder to think it...lizards! My work takes the fears and nightmare figures of youth and makes it light, all the while respecting and paying homage to those classic icons of horror literature.

“From even the greatest of horrors, irony is seldom absent.” - H.P. Lovecraft

Sunday Morning Stroll in Ingolstadt.JPG

To find out more about my recent collections, get in touch today.


APRIL 2017

The Death and Desserts collection is inspired by the Vanitas paintings made popular during the 16th and 17th centuries in the Netherlands, blending the concept of mortality's fleeting pleasures with the remembrance of death's inevitability. While this is a rather gruesome theme in itself, I have always worked to instill humor and a light-hearted perspective on the macabre. Death is an unavoidable occurrence, but why remain in sorrow over the single event when you can choose to celebrate the life that was and all the memories that made it so sweet? That is what my series is about: A celebration, a reminder to live life to the fullest. Life is too short, so eat dessert first!

Death By Chocolate Small.png



Though no apparent theme runs through this collection of oil paintings, each is a personal reminder and form of documentation regarding stages of life and the emotions that course through the human body on a regular basis. From the happier, vibrant times of inane silliness to the grim, somber experiences of pain and the binding strings of a heart. This all culminates to my views of the human condition in a final large painting. We think with our minds, but we are ruled by our hearts: bound forever to dance on the strings of that sentimental puppet master that provides us with life as we bow forever to its whims.

'The Heartstrings that Bind-Mortal Coil', Oil Paint on Canvas.jpg


FALL 2015

Fear the familiar! Fear the everyday! Fear the normal! Fear the ordinary! Do you fear? Splendid! The images seen here are an escape down the proverbial rabbit hole away from the daily torture that is the mundane into the maddening world of the imagination. Two contrasting elements coexist in a fantasy realm of horror and humor. I want our fears to be made laughable and what better place to start than by conquering the fears and nightmare figures that have plagued our childhood years? Fear is a part of life, be it clowns, horror movie icons, zombies, or even...I shudder to think it...lizards! My work takes the fears and nightmare figures of youth and makes it light, all the while respecting and paying homage to those classic icons of horror literature.

“From even the greatest of horrors, irony is seldom absent.” - H.P. Lovecraft

Sunday Morning Stroll in Ingolstadt.JPG

To find out more about my recent collections, get in touch today.

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