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APRIL 2017

Death and Desserts

The Death and Desserts collection is a mixed project, both inspired by the Vanitas paintings made popular during the 16th and 17th centuries in the Netherlands, as well as my own state of mind while dealing with anorexia. The artwork blends the concept of mortality's fleeting pleasures with the remembrance of death's inevitability; while also exploring the twisted ways that a disorder can bend the mind. While these are both rather gruesome themes in themselves, it remains crucial to instill humor and a light-hearted perspective bending towards hope, even in the face of such a strong, necessary message. Death is an unavoidable occurrence, but why choose to race toward it of your own accord? Why does one pick death over daring to take a bite out of one sweet thing? Why is the fear over body image stronger than facing eternity? Life is short enough as it is. We need to celebrate the life that is and was, and all the memories that make it so sweet. That is what my series is about: A message of hope and celebration; a reminder to live life to the fullest. Life is too short, so just eat the damned dessert!

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